Welcome to The Collective Healing Space

Facilitating healing and hope within our clients, by helping them access their inherent capacity to create meaningful change in their lives.

Meet Our Owner,

Dr. Archandria Owens

Practice Owner, Licensed Psychologist, Health Services Provider

Welcome to The Collective Healing Space! I am so grateful you have made it to this space and to this moment. Whether you're here because you could use some additional support journeying through life or in a place of personal or situational crisis or somewhere in between, you are welcome here. And, just in case you are still trying to figure it out, that's okay too. There is ample room for the indecision, the ambiguity, the apathy, the fear, the anxiety, the curiosity: all of it. Just know that wherever you are, you will be seen here, heard here, and supported here. We look forward to getting to know you and are thankful for the opportunity to live a little bit of life alongside you.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

— Maya Angelou

Common concerns that clients seek services for:



Racial trauma

General trauma recovery

Interpersonal problems/concerns

Family of origin concerns

Identity development

Grief and loss

Religious and spiritual concerns

Coping with stress

Issues around multiculturalism and diversity

Phase of life concerns/Life transitions

Poor self-care/self-love practices

What service will benefit you?

individual counseling

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling focuses in on the therapeutic relationship and its ability to support clients in increasing self-awareness, developing skills to create meaningful change, engaging all parts of the self in order to increase authenticity and decrease invalidation, and accessing their inherent
self-healing abilities.

couples counseling

Couples Counseling

Couples counseling engages partners to become active contributors to the growth, development, and change that they desire for their partnership. Whether the work is preventative or otherwise, this focus on the relationship can benefit couples immensely.

group counseling

Group Counseling

Group counseling is ideal for people who are dealing with interpersonal concerns. This process happens in the group format where these concerns can be elicited and worked through in powerful ways.